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Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch® course offered in January 2023
Therapeutic Touch is a safe, non-invasive healing modality that can be learned by anyone with compassion and the desire to help another. It was developed by Dolores Krieger, RN, PhD and Dora van Gelder Kunz in the early 1970’s, Therapeutic Touch was derived from ancient healing modalities and has a long history of application and research. It is used to promote healing of, not just physical issues, but also emotional, and spiritual challenges. Therapeutic Touch is defined as a holistic, evidence based therapy that incorporates the intentional and compassionate use of universal energy to promote balance and well-being.
Therapeutic Touch is based on the idea that Wholeness, Compassion and Natural Order are inherent in nature. Through quieting ourselves, we can connect to this healing energy and compassionately and consciously use our hands, hearts and will to direct it to support healing.
“The ability to promote healing is a natural human potential” – Dora Kunz
In health, life energy flows freely throughout the body. In contrast, dis-ease is a condition of energy imbalance or disorder. Therapeutic Touch has been proven to promote a deep relaxation response, easing of tension and anxiety, pain reduction, an acceleration of the healing process and an increase in comfort at the end of life.
“Therapeutic Touch is only partially about healing others. Equally – perhaps even more importantly – it is about an inner journey. It is important to acknowledge that the empowerment in Therapeutic Touch comes through the TT therapist’s quest for a liaison with the Inner Self.” —Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN
Therapeutic Touch Pop-up Practice Groups are held from time to time. Contact Peg for details on the next events.

Chai Holistic Health Services
Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch®
Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch® Online Course
January 19, 21 & 22, 28 & 29, 2023
This course, aligned with the TTNC Curriculum Guidelines, is for Therapeutic Touch® (TT) practitioners who want to broaden their understanding of the essential elements of the TT process including patterning of the Hp’s entire field/ This course build on your knowledge, skills, and insights, acquired in the Foundations of TT course and from regular TT practice. Distance TT will be learned and practiced during this course. Contemplative practices and guided reflective dialogue regarding energetic, emotional and mental aspects of TT practice enhance your self-knowledge and self-inquiry. Approaches to assisting individuals with a variety of health challenges will also be explored.
Prerequisite: Foundations of Therapeutic Touch course (12 hours) and 2-3 months of TT practice following the Foundations course is recommended.
Dates & Times: Thursday January 19, 6 – 8 pm MT; Saturday & Sunday January 21 & 22, 28 & 29 from 1 pm to 5 pm MT. Following the course, participants will submit four written TT Session CARER Notes and the course Feedback Form to complete requirements for the course.
Total Recognized Contact Hours = 16+ hours
Bonus Follow-up Session: Thursday February 9, 6 – 7 pm MT
Location: ZOOM Platform
Fee: $280 CDN (includes course workbook & handouts)
Payment & Application: at:
Complete Registration Application and payment must be received by January 5, 2023
*Note: Registration will be limited to 8 participants with this ZOOM offering, so register early to avoid disappointment.
Registration Confirmation: Email confirmation of your acceptance into the course will be sent when your payment is received and your completed registration form and documents are reviewed.
Course Facilitators: Dr. Chery Ann Hoffmeyer, Ph.D., RTTT (TTNA), QTTT (NH-PAI) with Peggy Frank TTRT, QTTT. Chery Ann has been practicing Therapeutic Touch (TT) since 1984 and has studied with a variety of TT teachers, including the co-founders of TT, Dr. Dolores Krieger Ph.D. and Dora Kunz. She feels very blessed to have worked with both co-founders over the years and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience directly from them. Chery Ann and Peggy are recognized Therapeutic Touch practitioners and teachers in Canada and the United States. Chery Ann is also a qualified TT teacher trainer and has taught TT courses, presented at TT conferences in Canada, the U.S., and Australia, and is a mentor for TT practitioners and TT teachers. These TT teachers look forward to sharing their knowledge, their passion and experiences with Therapeutic Touch, with you.
Peggy has also studied with Dora and Dee and kept her practical training current through attending TT workshops throughout North America. She is a recognized teacher in BC and through TTIA.
Cancellation policy: Registration fee minus a $50 processing fee for cancellations up to January 5, 2023. After this date there are no refunds.